A meal to (never) die for

Clean eating, raw food, paleo, and, I‘d imagine, quite a lot of other such diets and lifestyles  seem to be everywhere nowadays; whether it is a friend telling you that you just “have to do this, because…”, or whether it is in twitter, facebook, and tabloid “science updates”. Of course, the most irritating one of these is the ‘Instagram diet’, which can be best described as a lifestyle based on taking a photo of your best looking dishes- usually involving an avocado- and posting it online for your followers to admire; a preferable lifestyle option for C-list celebrities.

It seems you cannot open a newspaper, tabloid, or magazine, look at your twitter feed, or open facebook without someone having posted a story on what to eat to not die, what not to eat because you will die, which superfoods to add to your meal to…well…live longer, healthier, better, and stronger, and how to prevent getting old and/or getting Alzheimer’s by adjusting your diet (if you have followed other advice, otherwise you would have died well before this would have become an issue). Even though some of this is more or less (well no, it is actually) made up, many of this advice seems to be grounded in ridiculous over-interpretation of epidemiological evidence. Very often this is also the result of absurd extrapolation of results from studies in cells or animals to humans. Some of the ingredients in, say, the avocado, may contain a nutrient which was measured in a cell line to have some anti-cancer properties in situ. Indeed, cancer is usually the target of this type of “nutritional advice”. It is always best to link this type of advice to a disease with a complex aetiology and that may occur sometime for away in the future because, if it was some acute effect (say a poisoning) it would be easy to check, wouldn’t it. Also, it should be something people really worry about: cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are good candidates in that respect, for obvious reasons. Before going on, I would like to emphasize here that I don’t have a problem with nutritional epidemiology, or with dietary or nutritional advice; there are some great studies out there, as well as some good advice. The following just serves as an illustration about the nonsense this can result in when some of the worse, clickbait-type, advice is taken literally… …that, and assuming you make it all the way to the end, you can also make a great meal for family and friends! So, I have taken one of my favourite recipes, which is also not overly complicated, and went on an internet hunt for the supposed health benefits and risks for all the ingredients (and yes, I do most of the cooking at home…). Subsequently, I have re-written the recipe to demonstrate how great my chosen recipe is.

A meal to (never) die for

List of ingredients (3-4 people):

2 tablespoons of an anti-inflammatory sauce with additional benefits on genes linked to cancer. This is supplemented with beneficial fatty acids, vitamins E and K, and loaded with anti-oxidants; the latter are biologically active and help fight serious diseases, including heart disease and stroke. The sauce also does not cause weight gain and obesity, and may help to fight Alzheimer’s Disease (I know, told you!), rheumatoid arthritis, and type 2 Diabetes. Did I mention it has anti-cancer properties? It has the added benefit of having anti-bacterial properties. [source]

Two units of an anti-microbial plant, which regulates your blood sugar, improves your bone health (effectively preventing the development of osteoporosis), and prevents cancer. Unfortunately, it can lead to bad breath and unpleasant body odour, and can cause bloating, cramping and diarrhoea, as well as eye and mouth irritation. More seriously, one can also develop an intolerance and allergy. So this is the dare-devil in me…adding this to my food! [source]

1 tablespoon of an anti-cough medicine, which also lowers the blood pressure, and boosts the immune system. In fact, any leftovers can be used as a disinfectant to rid the home of dangerous air pollutants. It also improves your mood, but as a downside: it is also used in pesticides. Oh, this needs to be chopped. [source]

One large pinch of a pain killer, which also fights inflammation while simultaneously reducing blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation and increasing the body’s ability to dissolve fibrin (so the cardiovascular benefits are off the scale!). If that is not enough already, it clears congestion, boosts immunity, but also stops the spread of prostate cancer! It prevents stomach ulcers, helps you to lose weight, and lowers your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.  [source]

75ml of a, and I quote, “cure-all”. In fact, it has been credited with helping the Roman army succeed. It helps soldiers to survive battle as well as alien climates encountered during campaigns. Quite a surprise that this is not a part of every meal really. This cure-all is also loaded with anti-ageing antioxidants, is cholesterol free, sodium free, and fat free. Without doubt it helps preventing heart disease, including lowering of cholesterol, and cancer.   [source

1 tablespoon of a powder that provides energy, lowers blood pressure, improves brain functions, treats depression and heals wounds. However, this is a dangerous substance, and should only be consumed in moderation! It is associated with obesity, diabetes, dementia, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, increase blood glucose level, kidney ailments, gout, heart problems, hyperactivity, cancer and cavities. So this is bad stuff, and despite its benefits you may want to see if you can find a replacement for this….or just live dangerously.  [source]

200 ml of special liquid which is mineralizing, alkalizing, and can help repair the gut lining which eases joint pain, inflammation, eczema, digestive issues, prevents cellulite, and builds strong bones, hair and nails. [source

Crumble 100 grams of a medicine that improves heart health, fights arthritis, prevents osteoporosis, enhances memory, boosts the immune system, has anti- cellulite and anti-inflammatory properties, and improves your dental health. [source

Importantly, this is a superfood-based meal, so chop 200 grams of a low-calorie, high-fiber, zero-fat vegetable, which is also high in iron and vitamin K, and filled with antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, lowers cholesterol levels, helps your visions and supports your immune system. High in calcium, it also prevents osteoporosis and maintains a healthy metabolism. Oh, and it detoxes the body (excellent, whatever that is). [source

And finally, the above is all supplemented by 400 grams of carbohydrates; the primary fuel source of your body, including a lot of fibers, which help fight chronic diseases, including obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, and promotes digestive health. The selenium in it protects your cells from molecular damage, while manganese, also included, regulates your blood sugar. [source]

So all in all, this is quite epic. But the benefits do not just stop here! No, further health benefits result from non-included ingredients! You may have noticed that this recipe includes no meat. Vegetarianism it turns out wards of disease, helps keep your weight down, increases the length of life, builds strong bones, reduces your risk of food-borne illnesses, eases the symptoms of menopause, increases your energy, reduces the likelihood of constipation, haemorrhoids and diverticulitis, and does not include toxic chemicals. It is also better for the environment, helps reduce famine, and you  will spare animals. [source].

So, we now have all the ingredients, and feel a lot better and healthier already. If I eat this regularly, which I actually do, it is highly unlikely I will die in the near future (ignoring the probability of an accident). I mean, I am protected from cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, microbial infection, and many others things. Although not very likely, I will probably not find myself on the battlefield in the near future; but if I do, I definitely have an edge on any of my enemies (so be warned if you were to critique this blog post; just saying….).…that’s pretty re-assuring. I am practically immortal…




Oh right, you were curious about the recipe itself?

Step 1: Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the onions, thyme and some seasoning. Sauté for 10 mins until softened, then add the chilli flakes, vinegar, sugar and stock. Increase the heat and cook for another 10 mins.

Step 2: Meanwhile, boil a large pan of water, add some salt and cook the spaghetti following pack instructions, adding the kale for the final 4 mins of cooking. Drain and return to the pot with a little of the cooking water. Tip in the onion mixture and half the cheese, and toss together. Serve topped with the remaining cheese.

Spaghetti with caramelised onion, kale & Gorgonzola. The recipe can be found here:  https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/spaghetti-caramelised-onion-kale-gorgonzola

Enjoy your next dinner!